book review

The Shape of Water

This haunting fairy tale of a mute woman and a water god intrigued me from the beginning. A book club friend told me it was the ‘most moving book’ she had ever read and I had to know why she felt that way.

The Shape of Water is lyrically written. Each character has it’s own pain and beauty- even the cruel Strickland, whose job it becomes to capture and torture the water god ‘for the sake of science’ has pain enough to make him feel insane.

Elisa Esposito grew up in an orphanage, mute due to the cruelty of her parents or the people of the Home, no one seems to know. She survives into adulthood on films and silence.

Once kicked out of the Home at 18, and told that she was sure to become a whore within a week, Elisa finds a small apartment in on old movie theater. Then to make a living the best she can, Elisa takes a job as janitor in a large research facility and it is there her life is changed forever.

This story by Guillermo del Toro and Daniel Kraus is a must read. And while I wouldn’t agree with my book club friend that is the most moving book I have ever read, I would say it is lovely, well- written, and worth your time.

book review

Allowing Change

One-Minute Thankful

Thankful Meditation

“Sometimes we pray for God to change our circumstances when God wants to use our circumstances to change us.”

Thankful Affirmation

I’m not sure how I feel about that. Simply relaxing and allowing change is so hard for me. I am a doer. A controller. I take charge. I get things done. I know how to handle the situation.

But do I really? I have no omniscient sight that lets me see the future. I’m not pre-cognitive. But I do have God’s Spirit as a living breathing entity within me. We all do. God lives in us and gives us knowledge and growth so we can be more like him.

I know it sounds convoluted- let God be more God in us. But when I relax and choose not to worry and take control- when I relax and allow the Universe to create change in my heart, I…

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book review

Be the Change

One-Minute Thankful

Thankful Meditation

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Often attributed to Gandhi

Thankful Affirmation

I read recently that Gandhi did not actually say the words I have quoted for you here but the author did not indicate whom he thought had said them. In any event it seems likely, the spirit of the great man is in the words.

Regardless of their origin, I do love how these words remind me that we cannot effect change by sitting on our hands.

If we have any value to offer our world it is in our ability to observe and understand where change is needed.

Then if we are able, we do what we can. No matter how small, our efforts count.

Thankful Goal

May I stay in a spirit of openness to see where help is needed and, be willing to make an effort. I want to…

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book review


The Godly Chic Diaries

Close your eyes and imagine the best version of you possible. That’s who you really are, let go of any part of you that doesn’t believe it…

I’ve always had a deep respect for Youtubers who manage to turn a hobby into a career. Lilly Singh, the infamous (iisuperwomanii) has over 13 million YouTube subscribers, has written a New York Times Bestselling book “How to be a Bawse” (which is definitely worth reading) launched a bombshell lipstick with smashbox cosmetics, is one of the most humble humanitarian out there and that is just the beginning. She is honestly so cool, hardworking, hilarious and everything. She’s had a YouTube channel for over half a decade and despite everything going on in her life. She still manages to post two content videos a week for her fans.(fangirl right here😍) And when she started, she probably had no idea how far it would…

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book review

Guided By Your Spirit

One-Minute Thankful

Thankful Meditation

Be still and know that I am God.

-Psalms 46:10

In all your ways acknowledge me and I will direct your path.

-Proverbs 3:6

Thankful Affirmation

Today as I move through my day may pay attention to you within me. Leading, guiding, showing me how to live and love and be. A better friend. A better daughter and sister. A better lover. All these things matter to you because they matter to me. You love me and want to love others through me.

Thankful Goal

May I live in your love.

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